Upcoming SCoSAA Event on Boston College Subpoena case at Simmons

SCoSAA Reads!
Student Chapter of the Society of American Archivists
When: Friday, March 29, 2013, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Where: SMOB M222
Simmons Graduate School of Library and Information Science

The topic will be the Boston College IRA oral history tapes case. Former Oral History Professor Gail Matthews-DeNatale will be speaking about the various issues around this case. SCoSAA will be providing reading material in the near future. Light refreshments will be served at this event.

SCoSAA Reads
We are excited to announce TWO spring semester SCoSAA Reads events:
Thursday, March 21, from 4:30-6pm in P206, will discuss the book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain.
Friday, March 29, from **5-7pm in room 222 of the School of Management Building will feature a lively discussion of the Irish Republican Army (IRA)-Boston College situation and the related Oral History issues. Adjunct professor of oral history, Gail Matthews-DeNatal, will be joining us for this event!

We know you have plenty of other readings to do, but hope these two events entice you to go outside the standard archives, library and information science texts and think about other related materials.

For the March 21st event, the entire book Quiet is highly recommended, but for the purposes of the SCoSAA Reads discussion we will point you to the Introduction and Chapter 9-“When Should You Act More Extroverted than you Really Are?” These excerpts will help us jump into a conversation about cultural biases associated with introversion, the importance of self-awareness, and the wide variety of strengths a new professional can exhibit no matter his/her personality type. Note that this discussion will take place the day before the New England Archivists Conference, and is a great opportunity to seek some confidence-boosting before diving into that!

For the March 29th event, we have provided two documents (one recommended by the Boston College Archives and the proceedings from the actual court case) for you to get an overview of the major issues and players. A lot has been written about the IRA/Boston College situation, both within the archival and oral history fields, as well as the mainstream media and legal journals, meaning there is an overwhelming amount of material at our disposal. Or check out a  quick overview provided by the SAA. We will provide additional recommended readings as we get closer to the event.

We hope to see you at one or both of our SCoSAA Reads events!
Access the readings for both of these events here.
E-mail SCoSAA Webmaster Elise Dunham (dunhame@simmons.edu) for the password.